The Global Campus of Human Rights (GC) was developed by the European Inter-University Centre (EIUC)  in Venice and 7 regional programme. The Global Campus of Human Rights is the most extensive human rights education network in the world. Building on more than two decades of excellence in education, training and research within the fields of human rights and democratisation, it consists of about 100 leading universities. The network is coordinated by eight regional hubs, based in Venice (for Europe), Sarajevo/Bologna (for South East Europe), Pretoria (for Africa), Bangkok (for the Asia Pacific), Yerevan (for the Caucasus), Buenos Aires (for Latin America and the Caribbean), Beirut (for the Arab World)  and Bishkek (for the Central Asia) – each offering a Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation.


In  2021 the Global Campus of Human Rights adopted the following shared vision of the Global Campus of Human Rights:

The vision of the Global Campus of Human Rights is to foster new generations of human rights defenders able to contribute to a world in which human dignity, equality, freedom, human security, sustainable development, democracy, the rule of law and respect for all human rights are realised.


The mission of the Global Campus is to:

  • Build human rights awareness
  • Support the implementation of international human rights, democracy and the rule of law in national contexts
  • Address challenges facing human rights and democracy
  • Educate human rights defenders
  • Advance, connect and coordinate cross-regional as well was interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Provide innovative knowledge and technical expertise
  • Focus on contemporary and cutting-edge thematic issues
  • Prepare and support future change-makers
  • Contribute to a just and sustainable future

Strategic objectives:

  • Strengthen our educational programmes through cross-regional enrichment and joint practice-led projects
  • Bolster the global promotion of human rights and democracy by maximising the digitalisation of our activities.
  • Strengthen the visibility and capacities of the Global Campus alumni in all regions of the Global Campus.
  • Ensure the strategic enlargement of the Global Campus.
  • Strengthen the link between academic and grassroots activism and support global movement-building efforts that address emerging human rights crises through teaching, research and capacity-building.
  • Mainstream the empowerment of women, children and youth across all regions of the Global Campus.
  • Strengthen democratic resilience.
  • Develop educational and research activities to raise awareness about the link between environmental justice and human rights.
  • Foreground the role of the arts as a key tool for the advancement of human rights and democracy.

The Global Campus experience is distinguished by: interdisciplinary insights, cross-cultural exchanges, a wider range of participants and partners, international mobility, global network opportunities, and the unwavering determination to shape a world culture of human rights. We have trained and supported generations of human rights advocates and defenders, governmental and non-governmental officers, academics and civil servants across the world.

The GC graduates hold the positions of Attorney-General, Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Vice-Minister of Justice for Indigenous Peoples, High Court Judges, Chief Justice, high ranking diplomats, members and officials of national human rights institutions, University Dean, Vice-Rector, Chairperson of the UN Committee of the Rights of the Child, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Deputy Secretary to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Member of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, high ranking officials in regional organisations, officials in UN agencies, legal advisors for national and international institutions, leadership positions in civil society organisations, community-based initiatives, education institutions, and senior journalists.

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The Global Campus of Human Rights  is a centre for education, training and research in human rights and democratisation mainly funded by the EU. The Global Campus of Human Rights is an international network for education, training and research in human rights and democratisation mainly funded by the EU.

Governing Bodies

As laid out in its Statute, the Global Campus is governed by the Assembly, the Council, the President, the Vice-President(s), the Honorary President(s), the Secretary General, an Advisory Board and a Statutory Auditor. These statutory bodies are assisted by specialised working groups such as the Academic Affairs Committee, the Working Group on Budgetary Issues and the Working Group on the Global Campus Vision.

The Assembly and Council bear primary responsibility for giving direction to and overseeing both regional and global activities of the member institutions, as well as the management of the EU grant and financial contributions made by other partners.

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