Dr.Habil., Associate Professor
Head of Department, Faculty of International Relations
Programme Coordinator, Belarusian State University


  • 2016 – Diploma of Doctor of Science in History
  • 2000 – Diploma of the Candidate of Science in History
  • 1997−2000 Postgraduate Studies / History of international relations
  • 1982 − 1989 Diploma of higher education,History/ Belarusian State University (6/21/1989)

Professional Experience:

  • April 2014  -present /Head of  Department of Diplomatic and Consular Service,Belarusian State University
  • 2008-2014 –  Department of International Relations, Associate Professor
  • 04/16/2001 to 31/08/2008 Associate Professor, Head of the Department of International Law / International Institute of Labour and Social Relations (Minsk)

Research Interests:

  • Integration studies
  • Foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus
  • Belarus − European Union
  • European security, Relations between Belarus and NATO
  • Belarusian-German relations


Belarussian, Russian, English


  • Public association  «Foreign Policy and Security Research Centey» / Chairman
  • Public association «Society of Comparative Legal Studies»/ Member

Recent Publications:

Collections of publications:

  1. Eurasian Economic Union: interim results and prospects for the development of the integration project. / Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference; Edited by A.V. Rusakovich. – Minsk, 2017. – 66 p.
  2. 25 years of the Belarusian-German relations: prospects and possible points of contact. / Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference; Edited by A.V. Rusakovich. – Minsk, April 20, 2017. – 68 p.

1. Rusakovich, A.V. Eastern Partnership: Achievements and Prospects: “Round Table” / A.V. Rusakovich // Belarus in the Modern World = Belarus at a Good Time: Materials of the XII International. conf., dedicated. 92 anniversary of the formation of Belarus. state Minsk, 30 oct. 2013 / Redkol. : V. G. Shadursky [et al.]. – Minsk: Ed. Center of BSU, 2013. – p. 348–350.

2. Russakowitsch, A. Weißrussland / А. Russakowitsch // HandbuchEuropäischerSozialpolitiken / hg. M. Porsche-Ludwig, J. Bellers, W. Gieler. – Münster: LIT, 2014. – S. 212–216.

3. Rusakovich, A. The change in the Geopolitical situation in the former Soviet Union after 2014 / A. Rusakovich // Collective Security Treaty Organisation and Contingency Planning after 2014 / Ed. by Douhan A. and Rusakovich. A. – Geneva–Minsk, DCAF–FPSRC, 2016. – pp. 5–33.

4. Rusakovich, A.V. The post-Soviet space in the foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation at the present stage / A.V. Rusakovich // International Security and NATO in 2016: Sat. materials of the international seminar, Minsk, December 15, 2016 / under the editorship of A. A. Rozanov, A. V. Rusakovich – Minsk: RIVS, 2017. – p. 64–67.

5. Rusakovich, A. Eastern Partnership Countries and Eurasian Integration in 2012~2015 / P. Barakhvostov, A. Rusakovich // Journal of Economic Integration. 2017 December;32(4):804-841. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2062-3355

6. About some of the perspectives of Belarusian direction in eastern policy of the European Union in the sphere of education and science // Vysheyshaya shkola. – 2010 – N 2 . – p. 61-65 (with А.А.Polonnikov).

7. Belarusian and German relations at the beginning of XX century: economical aspect // Journal of International Law and international relations.– 2009. –  N 4. – p. 43-50.

8. Higher educational institutions of Belarus taking part in European educational projects of TEMPUS // Labor. Trade Unions. Society. – 2008. N 2. – p. 42-46.

9. Belarusian and Polish economical interrelations: new  paradigm? // Polska – Białoruś. Przeszłość i teraźniejszość. Pod redakcja M.S.Wolańkiego, G.Tokarza. – Wrocław, 2008. – p. 107-118.