Alexander Vashkevich

PhD, Associate Professor

Belarusian State University

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Education and Degrees

1993 Ministry of Education of Belarus

Diploma of Associate Professor


Harkov Law School, Harkov, Ukraine

Ph.D., Constitutional Law


Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus

Post-graduate Course in Constitutional Law


Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus

Degree in Law with Honors


Professional Experience: Teaching and Research


2014-present         Professor, Department of Law,European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Associate Professor, Department of International Law,Belarusian State University


Associate Professor, Department of Law, European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania

Nov.-Dec. 2003,     Jan-Feb. 2002           Visiting Professor,Free University of Brussels. Brussels, Belgium
1997 -2002  

Head of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, International Institute of Labour and Social Relations, Minsk, Belarus


Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional Law,Belarusian State University


Belarusian State University, Assistant Professor, Department of Constitutional Law


Cooperation with International Organizations 


National expert of the United Nations Development Program

“Promotion of a wider application of international human rights standards in the administration of justice in Belarus”


Member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Panel of Experts on the Freedom of Assembly and Association

2007- present            

Expert of the Council of Europe