The Belarusian State University is a leading scientific, educational, innovation and cultural centre of the Republic of Belarus. Belarusian State University (BSU) Minsk, Belarus, was founded on October 30, 1921. It exercises its’ potential which is based on the best domestic and international experience in order to comply with intellectual, cultural and social demands and interests of the individual, society and state and to facilitate the sustainable development of the country.
The entire complex of the Belarusian State University includes 16 faculties and 6 educational institutes, 10 educational establishments, 10 research and development institutes and centers, 41 research and developments laboratories, 10 innovation and production enterprises. The entire complex of the BSU includes about 8500 staff including about 3000 teaching staff and 500 research staff.
According to major international rankings the BSU is among 2 per cent of world leading universities out of 30 thousand educational institutions. According to QS international ranking in 2015 BSU is among 430 best world universities. The BSU is the only Belarusian University on the list of the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Rankings occupying 601-800 positions.
The BSU Faculty of International Relations is responsible for the political module of the programme. The faculty was established on October 1, 1995. The Faculty of International Relations has become one of the top educational and academic brands of the Republic of Belarus, and this status provides an excellent opportunity to choose students from the best Belarusian and foreign applicants.
The high prestige of the Faculty is a result of immense creative work of its staff, which amounts to more than 250 people, including 12 Professors, about 60 Associate Professors and Candidates of Science. The Faculty has given rise to academic and methodological schools in all 8 majors and 17 specializations obtained here. Teaching is based on a new generation of educational standards and is adequately provided with up-to-date textbooks. The Faculty teachers have authored a considerable part of the textbooks and manuals used in the teaching process.
A distinctive feature of all the majors of the Faculty is an intensive study of foreign languages. 15 foreign languages are currently taught at the Faculty linguistic departments.
BSU official website: