Dear Applicant,

For admission to the MA programme in Human Rights and Democratization in the Caucasus, a list of required documents was elaborated. One of the requirements is to submit  thesis proposal regarding a topic you wish to explore.

Thesis Proposal

Your thesis proposal is a  thesis plan and/or proposal which should have a background part and rationale why you wish to explore that particular topic. Other parts to be included in the proposal are  the topic and its description, definition of problems, possible research questions, as well as very short lit. review, research methods and bibliography.  Please limit yourselves to 3-5 pages.


While writing your essay or thesis proposal, it is rather encouraged to use ideas and information from various sources (books, articles, journals, reliable internet sources, newspapers, etc.) that will best illustrate your points. However, while using such sources, please do not forget to give credit to the source, i.e. to mention the author(s), title, name of the source, and dates accessed, either in footnotes and endnotes or cite them in the text. Otherwise, your paper will be considered plagiarized, and that is considered an academic offence by the consortium.

Be aware that if you use or copy someone’s work without proper acknowledgement, your paper will not be assessed.

In order to find out more about plagiarism and how to avoid it, please consult the booklet that was elaborated by the Centre for European Studies in cooperation with the Essex University


All submitted papers will be assessed by two different teams from partner countries anonymously. While assessing your written submission, special attention will be paid to the content (analysis, logical reasoning, coherence) and style (language, use of vocabulary, etc.).