“There may be no greater, growing threat facing the world’s children – and their children – than climate change”
UNICEF “Unless we Act”
On May 10, the Centre for European Studies of the Yerevan State university opens the Hybrid Conference on Climate Change and Children: Impact, Rights and Participation.
The main aim of the three-day conference is to bring together experts, representatives of States, international and non-governmental organisations, policymakers, academics and students from a broad range of countries to discuss and debate on the importance of a child rights-based approach to climate action and to suggest options ensuring child participation in such policy developments.
Climate change has been identified by United Nations’ agencies and experts as one of the biggest threats to children’s health. Their unique physiology, metabolism and developmental needs put children at higher risk as they experience disasters and environmental damage differently than adults. Globally, children are being detrimentally affected by climate shocks (e.g. droughts, floods, cyclones) and related diseases, polluted air, soil and water, exposure to toxic substances. Despite contributing the least to the causes of climate change, children are the worst affected by it, right now and in the future.
Every change in climate also undermines implementation of UN Sustainable Goals (e.g. 1, 13, 15) and a number of other rights of children. The effects of environmental harm, for instance, may undermine the full enjoyment of children’s right to life, to education, to an adequate standard of living, to play, to be protected from exploitation and hazardous work. Such impact might also affect in disproportionate ways certain groups like girls, ethnic minorities, children with disabilities, to name a few.
The Conference is organised within the frames of the Regional Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in the Caucasus” programme / GC Caucasus/ jointly by the Centre for European Studies of Yerevan State University, Global Campus of Human Rights, the Right Livelihood Foundation, UNICEF Armenia through its “Adolescents as agents of climate action in their communities” project, funded by Austrian Development Cooperation, ShareMusic & Performing Arts, Sweden, and Small theatre of Armenia.
For conference programme , please click here
Conference registration link is https://utopiax.typeform.com/to/kojCnFDc
Zoom Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86292467957