The Global Campus of Human Rights 

The Global Campus (GC) of Human Rights was developed by the European Inter-University Centre (EIUC)in Venice and supported by the EU. The Global Campus of Human Rights is a unique network of more than one hundred participating universities around the world, seeking to advance human rights and democracy through regional and global cooperation for education and research. The Headquarters of the Global Campus in Venice coordinates the overall network.

Today the network includes 8 regional master’s programs implemented around the world :

Joint Activities

In the Frames of the Global Campus the following common activities are undertaken:

  • Global Campus Best Theses
  • Global Campus Photo Competition
  • Global Campus Classroom
  • Global Campus Research Programme
  • Global Campus Exchange of Professors
  • Global Campus Internship programme
  • Global Classroom E-journal
  • Global Campus of Human Rights Rights Promotional Event
  • Global Classroom online courses (MOOC courses)