Dr.Hab in Law,
Dean of the Law Faculty, University of European Political and Economic studies


  • 1978 – 1983 : Faculty of law of the State University of Chisinau–  University studies, diploma with honorary mention.
  • 1983 – 1987 : Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law of Lomonsov University in Moscow, diploma of doctor in law (1988)
  • 2010 – Doctor  habilitatus in law

Professional Experience:

  • 2010 – present: Dean, University of European political and economic studies
  • 2008 – present: Lecturer, Faculty of Penal law and Criminology, State University of Moldova (supplementary work)
  • 2005 – 2007 :  Lawyer, Interbranch Collegium of Chamber of Lawyers  in Moscow,  Russian Federation(activity suspended on own will).
  • 2004 – 2005: Superior Lecturer, Faculty of Public Law, University of European studies in Moldova
  • 2000 – 2002: Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic of Moldova in Republic of Austria, Chief of Permanent delegation of Republic of Moldova to OSCE

Research Interests:

  • Human Rights
  • Constitutionalism
  • Democracy
  • Transitory society


Romanian (mother tongue), Russian, German, English


Recent Publications:


1. Grecu R. Stere-the jurist.  2008. 248 p.

2. Grecu R. Stere in battle for human rights. 2009. 232 p.


  • Grecu Raisa, Grecu Ilie.   About some historical and contemporary aspects of the right of private property. In: Notarius. 2009, nr 4, р. 40 – 48.
  • Grecu Raisa. About some aspects of historical development of the institution of human rights and liberties in the European constitutional space. In: Problems of fighting with transnational organized crime and corruption during globalization. Materials from international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Kazach National University of Al-Farbi. 11th of April 2009. Alma-Ata, p. 102-109.
  • Grecu R.Importance of the institution of fundamental human rights and liberties for the formation of the conscience and the judicial culture of the population. In: Judicial culture and prevention of corruption. Internal conference materials.1st of November 2007.  Chişinău: Bons Offices SRL, 2007. p. 95 – 102.